We strive for sustainability in everything we do

Because it is first and foremost a company made up of men and women. Because it welcomes guests from all corners of the world, and finally, because it is an exceptional place, Le Bristol Paris, a jewel of the Oetker Collection, has long chosen to actively engage in a social and eco-responsible approach.

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Our Sustainability Commitments

Diversity & Inclusion | Quality of Life & Safety at Work | Education & People Development | Good Governance

Natural Resources | Carbon Footprint | Solid Waste & Pollution | Biodiversity | Responsible Purchasing

Internal Awareness & Engagement | External Awareness & Engagement | Transparent Communication

Local Businesses & Heritage of Region | Sustainable Partnerships | Environmental & Social Projects

At Oetker Collection, we do understand that anything which is not sustainable cannot sustain. We therefore strive for sustainability in everything we do. We are committed to preserving the local environments and communities where we are present around the globe.

explore sustainability at Oetker Collection

Bee Green Team

Representing all the hotel's professions, our Bee Green team enables everyone to get involved, share their ideas and spread them throughout the hotel. Its members are committed to contributing to our sustainability objectives, which is a real source of innovative initiatives.

Responsible consumption

Human rights

Sustainable communities

Environmental Awareness

Our labels and certifications

Le Bristol Paris has been awarded the Green Key label, first international sustainable tourism label, for 2024. We are now among the 1564 establishments committed to sustainable tourism and dining in France, and were the first palace with this prestigious label.

Since 2014, Le Bristol Paris has been awarded the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (Living Heritage Company) label, the only state recognition aimed at promoting French companies with excellent craftsmanship and industrial know-how. This label honors the work, technical skills and creativity of our craftsmen, true committed players in our responsible policy.

Le Bristol Paris

112 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France

+33 1 53 43 43 00 [email protected]

1 Parc Monceau


Located in the 8th arrondissement, just a short walk from Le Bristol, this is one of the most elegant gardens in Paris, reflecting the image of the district. Visitors enter through large wrought-iron gates embellished with gold. The walk is full of surprises: numerous statues, a Renaissance arcade from the former Hôtel de Ville de Paris, spectacular trees, a wide variety of birds and a large ornamental pond.

2 Parc de Bagatelle


The entire park is one of the four sites of the Jardin botanique de Paris. Don't be surprised if you come across peacocks strutting around without being in the least bit bothered by your presence. They love to be admired and prefer open spaces to oak forests and fern undergrowth. Opposite the orangery, a magnificent flowerbed of shimmering colors prepares your eyes for the incomparable brilliance of the Bagatelle roses (1,200 varieties).

3 Bois de Boulogne


Today, the 846-hectare Bois de Boulogne is a regionally significant reservoir of biodiversity, thanks to a diversity of habitats combining wooded areas, undergrowth, herbaceous wasteland, banks of the Seine and a bird sanctuary in the midst of a dense urban fabric.

Between 2010 and 2020, 11 wild species of lichen and fungi, 402 wild plants and 662 wild animals were observed in the Bois de Boulogne. These include 101 birds (including the tawny owl), 22 fish and 690 insects.

4 Bois de Vincennes and Parc Floral


 With a surface area of 995 hectares, half of which is forest, it is the largest green space in Paris. It represents the eastern remnant of the forest that once surrounded Lutetia.

Today, it is an essential reservoir of biodiversity for Paris and the surrounding region. Its many biotopes - meadows, stands of mainly oak, maple and pine, undergrowth and wetlands - provide shelter and cover for a wealth of fauna, including chickadees, warblers, black woodpeckers, red squirrels, European hedgehogs, red foxes, odonates and amphibians. Between 2010 and 2020, 304 wild species of lichen and fungi, 493 wild plants and 959 wild animals have been observed in the Bois de Vincennes.

5 Jardin des Plantes


The Jardin des Plantes is a 2.5-hectare French garden that was created over 4 centuries ago! It's a veritable treasure trove of greenery in the heart of Paris! An ideal place for a family outing, on Wednesdays, at weekends or during the vacations... From April onwards, the flowers come in all the colors of the rainbow. Collections of biennials and bulbs (tulips, narcissi, pansies, primroses) and, from May onwards, collections of roses, cannas, dahlias, abutilons and fuchsias reach their peak at the end of summer.

6 Fontainebleau


Just 1 hour south of Paris, the Fontainebleau forest offers an astonishing diversity of landscapes. Precious for its inhabitants and numerous visitors, it is a fabulous natural heritage to be discovered with respect and kindness.  Once the hunting grounds of the kings of France, this vast forest of over 22,000 hectares of unspoilt nature fully deserves its title of "Forêt d'Exception®".

The cradle of numerous outdoor activities such as hiking and rock climbing, this beautiful and inspiring forest is an enchanting place to escape from everyday life.

7 Greenhouses of Auteuil


A paradise for botanical and horticultural enthusiasts, with its remarkable trees and rare plant collections, the garden has 6,000 plants grouped into thematic collections (succulents, plants from New Caledonia) or systematic collections (palms, Ficus, Begonias, ferns...). Information on botanical and ethnobotanical knowledge is displayed in all the greenhouses. A great opportunity to learn. But the greenhouses are undoubtedly one of the wonders of this garden. They were the last large greenhouses to be built in France in the 19th century, at the height of the winter garden craze. Their metal structure offers a range of shades of blue, green and turquoise.

8 Giverny


Claude Monet lived at his home in Giverny for over forty years. As passionate about gardening as he was about color, he conceived his flower and water gardens as veritable works of art. The flower garden is a true haven of peace, where you can stroll and admire the brilliantly colored flower beds. The garden is an ode to the beauty and diversity of nature, and a testament to Claude Monet's talent for creating harmonious, poetic landscapes.

In this garden, you can admire hundreds of varieties of flowers, shrubs and trees, all carefully selected and arranged to offer a striking visual spectacle.

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