
55 / 85 MIN | 200 € / 260 €

Reiki Session

"ReiKi relaxes the muscles, eliminates toxins, stimulates blood circulation and clears stress and fatigue. You will immediately feel a lasting body-mind harmony and serenity. Practiced regularly, ReiKi is a precious resource for quickly recharging your batteries, preserving your energy and maintaining fitness. You’ll remain dressed, lying comfortably on a massage table to the sound of soft, relaxing music.

55 / 85 MIN | 200 € / 260 €

Sophrology Session

"Sophrology combines breathing, psycho-corporal relaxation, dynamic visualization and techniques to regulate thoughts and enhance one's physical and psychological balance. This psycho-corporal practice is essentially based on body relaxation, obtained through breathing exercises and visualizing soothing imagery.

55 / 85 MIN | 200 € / 260 €

Meditation Session

Let yourself be transported by a soft and enveloping voice. Move closer to inner peace by emptying your mind, releasing the stress of daily life and attaining a state of deep relaxation. Studies have found that meditation has many measurable psychological and physiological benefits. Anyone can use this practice to boost health and well-being.