The Sustainability Commitments form the basis for Oetker Collection’s efforts to make positive impact for our environment and society:
- Human Rights -
- Responsible Consumption -
- Environmental Awareness -
- Sustainable Communities -
These commitments are aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Oetker Collection respects internationally recognised human rights frameworks, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights and Labour Laws. Furthermore, Oetker Collection’s compliance with local and international labour laws is non-negotiable.
Our Principles under this commitment are:
- Ensure our stakeholder is treated fairly while fighting against discrimination
- Promote an optimum quality of life and safety at work
- Encourage the development and employability of our employees
- Ensure constant compliance with local labour and environmental regulations

Oetker Collection aims to consume responsibly with regards to the resources used and its footprint, be it carbon emissions, effect on biodiversity or waste produced.
Our Principles under this commitment are:
- Through innovation reduce our consumption of natural resources
- Actively contribute to the global Carbon Reduction goals
- Understand, protect and restore the biodiversity that surrounds us
- Manage solid waste and strive to limit any type of pollution
- Purchase responsibly, favouring suppliers who adhere to our principles

We can not only change our own behaviour to become more sustainable, but also drive attention to topics and inspire others to change. We therefore raise environmental awareness through several dimensions.
Our Principles under this commitment are:
- Provide the necessary framework and training to operate responsibly at each hotel
- Encourage our stakeholder to engage with our CSR commitments
- Communicate transparently about our sustainability goals, initiatives and achievements

As a community, we can reach even more than as individuals. Therefore, Oetker Collection and all its hotels engage with various sustainable communities to create positive impact together.
Our Principles under this commitment are:
- Favour local producers who guarantee the rich heritage of the region
- Commit alongside our partners in projects that are linked to the principles we defend
- Support local communities engaged in the protection of environmental and social projects